Comprehensive Professional Learning Plan
This plan meets the requirements of the 100.2 (dd) Regulations of the State of New York.
The purpose of the district’s professional development plan is to improve the quality of teaching and learning, and to directly align this plan to the comprehensive school improvement processes focused on improving student learning. By structuring a professional development program to increase the knowledge and skills of the professional staff, we expect that improved student learning will result.
The WICSD commitment to Peak Performance supports exemplary professional development. This includes a commitment to continuous learning, collegiality and collaboration, and support for development of the knowledge base on teaching and learning through reflective practice.
Professional Learning Plan
WICSD Educational Programs
For over 30 years, the West Irondequoit Teaching Learning Center has supported Teachers, Leadership and Paraprofessionals with high quality professional development. The WICSD TLC is funded through a grant from New York State, and is part of a state-wide network. For more information regarding the TLC and the programs that it offers, visit:
West Irondequoit Teaching Learning Center
The TLC utilizes PDExpress to register, track and support professional development opportunities.
For additional information regarding professional development requirements and teaching certification, visit: