Committee on Special Education Meeting Guide and Tips for Parents
Before the meeting:
You will receive written verification of the meeting time, date and location, as well as a copy of the due process approximately five (5) days before the meeting.
You may wish to meet with the people related to your child’s referral: the building principal, school counselor, teacher, nurse, psychologist, social worker or other support personnel. Be sure that you understand folder material, test results and other evaluations which have been done and that appropriate and timely tests are included. Be sure that you understand the supports and, if applicable, placement that the District personnel are recommending.
Provide support for your child and yourself. Consider supports such as your pediatrician or another outside person working with your child. They may provide written documentation or attend the CSE meeting. Please contact the CSE prior to the meeting to inform them if you are inviting guests.
Consider whether your child should attend the meeting. Many students in junior and senior high are encouraged to attend the meeting after being thoroughly prepared by teachers, counselors and you. It is a means of involving them in the decision-making and seeking their valuable input and feelings.
Ask questions at the building level, such as:
º Why is a change being recommended?
º What approaches have been tried within the general education program?
º What were the results of these approaches?
º What other supports are available?
º How will this program provide for my child?
º Are there other options that may be considered?
Ask to observe any placements being considered.
Coming prepared allows the Committee to focus their efforts are directed towards arriving at recommendations to culminate the meeting. Gaining as much clarification as possible at the building level prior to the actual CSE meeting can be very beneficial, allowing you to be an active participant in the CSE process.
During the meeting:
The CSE Chairperson introduces parents/guardians to the committee and explains the committee’s function.
The listing of material and data that is being used by the committee for identification/placement of the child is reviewed.
The parents/guardians/students are then asked for their input for committee consideration. This portion of the meeting is the central focus for parental input. You should be prepared to present your information. We highly value your input!!
The committee will review the evaluation results. Based on that information, and information that you provide, the Committee decides if your child is eligible or ineligible to receive special education programs and/or services.
If you, with the Committee, decide that your child does not require special education services or pro-grams, the Committee must provide you with written notice indicating why your child is ineligible. They will also refer you back to the child’s building to determine what supports are available through general education to help your child.
If you and the other members of the Committee decide your child is eligible for special education services, the Committee will creates an Individualized Education Program.
- Committee discusses classification of your child and picks one of thirteen classifications.
- Committee discusses your child’s strengths and weaknesses in four areas and considers other special factors related to learning.
- Committee agrees on measurable annual goals to address your child’s weaknesses.
- Committee discusses special education supports, services and modifications your child needs to meet his or her annual goals.
- Committee discusses the location and placement of the special education services in the least restrictive environment.
After the meeting:
You will receive a copy of the IEP in the mail and will be asked to sign and return an acceptance.
Program, supports and accommodations as discussed at the meeting will be put in place in accordance with the timeline discuss at the meeting.
You will be asked to attend an Annual Review yearly to review progress and prepare IEP for the upcoming year.
You should communicate regularly throughout the year with your child’s special education teacher and / or related services provider to discuss child’s progress. (Notebooks, phone calls, e-mails, meetings and conferences)
Remember you may meet with your child’s teacher and support team whenever you have concerns. The IEP is a working document and you and the team can choose to go back to CSE and make necessary changes to support your child.
Special Education in Plain Language 2014
Glossary of Special Education Related Terms